JP Singh, Executive and Leadership Coach

JP Singh, Executive and Leadership Coach

Today on The Brand Called You, we have with us a successful coach and leader. We are pleased to welcome JP Singh on the podcast. JP is a Senior Executive and Leadership Coach and is the Former Managing Director of Bosch and Loma.



Coaching is the new rage! The role of coaching has evolved tremendously over the years. Unlike before, coaching is not a family matter. It has become more of a profession. The era of millennials and the Gen Z has changed the face of this profession. Be it personal matters or professional, a coach pushes one in the right direction and helps them realise their peak potentials. 

Today on The Brand Called You, we have with us a successful coach and leader. We are pleased to welcome JP Singh on the podcast.

About JP:

JP is a Senior Executive and Leadership Coach and is the Former Managing Director of Bosch and Loma. He is a successful leader who has abundant experience. His philosophy has always been to work with people and co-create. JP believes that the best results are derived through co-creation and co-evolution. 

All about Coaching:

In an articulate conversation with our host Ashutosh Garg, JP shares his incredible journey. He shares with us his unique transition of switching from a successful corporate career to taking up coaching professionally. 

As a collaborative person and a co creative leader, JP has always been inclined towards contributing to the growth of others. After reflecting on his own leadership style, he realised that he wanted to help more people in a more facilitated manner. 

In his opinion, the three keys of success are: 1. Concentration 2. Consistency 3. Collaboration/Cooperation.

JP’s mission is to help individuals and organisations realise their potential by hand holding instead of ordering. He envisions nurturing leadership through coaching! 

JP and Ashutosh discuss the basics of coaching and how it is becoming an increasingly demanded profession. Largely different from the traditional ways, coaching is now a more professional and growth oriented process.

On coaching Millennials and Gen Z:

JP has worked with all kinds of people but the ones he  enjoys most are the newer and highly inspiring generations. He talks admirably about the potential of the millennials:

“They’re very agile. They are digital natives. They have very adaptive thoughts and so my belief and even experience is that this process is the best suited for millennials than for 40s and 50 year olds. Because millennials don’t like to be told and I’ve seen millennials respond so beautifully. 

You know the millennial is not willing to take authority so if you are able to you know, get them a feel that they are comfortable, it’s a safe space to reflect, I’ve seen millennials respond  you know in a way that they’ll reflect and visualize metaphors that like no one else can”

JP strongly believes that this generation brings adaptability, new ideas, high execution orientation etc to the table. If channelized well, the result of assets is highly assured. 

Note from a coach:

As a person who has experienced working with diverse individuals, JP’s advice is noteworthy.

“There’s no shortcuts. Do the right thing, Do the right action. Greed definitely leads to some rash 

decisions or you know wrong actions. Things will come on their own you know like the story 

about caterpillar- it has to fight the shell once and so on to become strong it takes time. So never ever take the wrong action”

A leader and a facilitator, JP’s story is inspiring and progressive!

Tune in to know more.


‘Tapping into the leader’s inner strengths and potential creates excellent results easier and faster, be it Business/Marketing Strategy, Customer Value Creation, Problem Solving/Decision Making, Innovation or Prioritisation techniques’. This is what JP Singh experienced as an executive leader and practices as he ‘Works Together with You to Facilitate Realisation of Your Business, Professional and Personal Potential’. His down-to-earth, streamlined approach guides executives to straightforward and consistent growth. Adept at quickly identifying root causes and working towards dynamic, impactful steps forward, JP recognizes the interconnectedness of great leaders and their teams and clients.

A soft spoken and effective motivator, JP is a visionary with great energy and passion for business success. He equips leaders to better navigate all aspects of their professional challenges and to strengthen their business perspective and leadership effectiveness. JP accompanies executives on their leadership change journey encouraging their progress through empathy and discipline.

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