Srijata Bhatnagar, Setback Leadership Champion, Author, Global Speaker

Srijata Bhatnagar, Setback Leadership Champion, Author, Global Speaker

She is passionate about championing Setback Leadership. Through her speeches, masterclasses, workshops, consulting work, and coaching, she has inspired more than 45,000 business leaders in six countries to turn their setbacks into successes.




There’s a lot of buzz about setback leadership and how setbacks in work or in life can actually be used as a means to achieving success and growth. The concept of setback leadership is not new. The only thing that is new is that we are now calling it setback leadership. The setback is nothing but failure or a setback. Why is it important to look at a setback as an opportunity? Srijata Bhatnagar, Setback Leadership Champion, Author, and Global Speaker, is going to help you identify why it is so important to look at a setback as an opportunity.

[00:21] About Srijata Bhatnagar, Setback Leadership Champion, Author, Global Speaker

I am passionate about championing Setback Leadership. Through my speeches, masterclasses, workshops, consulting work, and coaching, I have inspired more than 45,000 business leaders in six countries to turn their setbacks into successes.

My driving belief and philosophy is — that setbacks are awesome, and you must embrace them for exponential growth and success. Having faced several setbacks myself, I know the power of inspired action.

[00:46] How did you get the name ‘The Iron Lady who can cry’?

When I was going through a lot of challenges and setbacks in my life. my business was going down the drain, I was going through depression. I bumped into a mentor and he was doing a personal development workshop for couples. There were about 200+ couples and then there was one task. you had to bend an iron rod with your neck with your partner. The partner was not my husband but another stranger man. I started crying. My mentor asked me to perform this task with him and I broke the rod with my neck. So that’s when I got this name.

[07:47] What is Setback Leadership?

I always believe that every setback is an opportunity to grow and succeed. Behind every success, there are a lot of stepping stones, and the more stepping stones, the faster you work on those stepping stones, the faster you will reach your goals.

Setback leadership is the art and science of identifying the challenges that you’re going through, identifying the opportunities inside those and leveraging those for your growth and success.

[14:23] About the Book

The book is primarily targeted toward women managers and leaders in the corporate who are struggling with different kinds of stereotypes or biases or glass ceilings that are not allowing them to grow.

[14:49]  What are some challenges women face in the corporate world?

When I was there, I faced many challenges like I was demoted after I came back from my pregnancy leave without any reason. I was a high performer and a star performer just before I went for the break. A woman leader felt that I have a baby and I need to be given less demanding work.

[17:19] About Setback Leadership Podcast

This is one of my favorite projects. I get to interact with new people and I get to learn from them.  Through the podcast I wanted to bring out the issues that leaders are facing and how they have leveraged those in their life and what learning can the listeners get from that.


You can connect with Srijata Bhatnagar- LinkedIn

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Srijata Bhatnagar

“I am passionate about championing Setback Leadership. Through my speeches, masterclasses, workshops, consulting work, and coaching, I have inspired more than 45,000 business leaders in six countries to turn their setbacks into successes.

My driving belief and philosophy is — setbacks are awesome, and you must embrace them for exponential growth and success. Having faced several setbacks myself, I know the power of inspired action.

Using the power of Setback Leadership, I help clients leverage roadblocks and failures to accelerate their professional and personal growth, thereby enabling them to reach their goals. My clients include multinationals such as RealPage, Ecolab, AXA XL, and many others. I am a regular speaker at leadership summits (especially those focused on women leaders), MSME summits, etc. As a global speaker, I guide speaker-aspirants towards growth and success through my program The 9-Step Model for Going from Pro Bono to Paid Speaker!”

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