Richard Lucas, Business & Social Entrepreneur

Richard Lucas, Business & Social Entrepreneur

In this episode, Ashutosh Garg engages in a conversation with Richard Lucas, a business and social entrepreneur with over 500 employees in small and medium sized mainly technology companies in Europe, the USA and Asia. Richard is a university-level entrepreneurship lecturer.



“You can’t lead if you don’t have a purpose.”- Richard Lucas

In this episode, Ashutosh Garg engages in a conversation with Richard Lucas, a business and social entrepreneur with over 500 employees in small and medium sized mainly technology companies in Europe, the USA and Asia. Richard is a university-level entrepreneurship lecturer.

Richard shares with us the three key milestones in his life. The young entrepreneur talks about his journey as a business and social entrepreneur. Later in the episode, Richard emphasizes on the significance of time management.

The illustrious entrepreneur gives insights about the technological environment in Poland. Richard explains what he looks for in a company before making an investment. Being someone who prefers staying invested for a long period, Richard analyzes the benefits of doing the same. 

The entrepreneur talks about the core values ingrained in his businesses. Afterwards, he talks about the qualities a CEO must have in order to succeed. “Leadership is the ability to get a group of people working towards a goal, willingly”, Richard comments.

In the section that follows, Richard shares his biggest learnings from failures in life. He advises young entrepreneurs starting their entrepreneurial journey.

#Entrepreneur #Business #Poland


I sometimes start businesses, and try to support companies I have invested in. I start and support non-profit projects. I support entrepreneurship in schools and elsewhere, founding CAMentrepreneurs, Krakow Enterprise Mondays, Wintrepreneurs, co-founding Open Coffee Krakow and Entrepreneurs @ Jewish Community Centre Krakow. I do workshops at conferences and events mainly about innovation, enterprise and leaderships. I run TEDxKazimierz, attend TED conferences/events and attend/support/contribute to TEDx events. I founded the “Wojtek the Soldier Bear Group” (and initiated the statue project In Krakow’s Park Jordana) I support new and existing initiatives/events in the pro-business and social entrepreneurship community in Krakow including Aiesec, Aspire, Bitspiration, Business Centre Club Students’ Forum, Change Leaders Foundation, Children’s University, Cracow Community Noticeboard, Creative Cracow, Hackerspace Krakow, Hive53, Innovators Bridge, Inspired by Astia, Krakow Network, Krakspot, Krakow Silicon Valley Group, Krakow Standup Comedy, OMGKRK, Open Coffee, PAMI, Project Kazimierz Podcast, Startup Stage, XMASsive party and others. While I welcome new initiatives and proposals, there is no guarantee I’ll want to get involved. I believe I have mild prosopagnosia – also called face blindness. This is a cognitive disorder where the ability to remember faces/names is impaired. If I fail to recognise you again and again, or minutes after meeting – I’m sorry. It happens a lot. No disrespect intended.
I blog here about entrepreneurship, TEDx and whatever is on my mind and podcast here podcasts

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