Samresh Kumar, Founder, Chairman, and CEO, SkyX Solar

Samresh Kumar, Founder, Chairman, and CEO, SkyX Solar

  • Samresh Kumar is the Founder, Chairman, and CEO of SkyX Solar.
  • He was the Entrepreneur of the Year, in 2021.



Renewable energy is energy produced from sources like the sun and wind that are naturally replenished and do not run out. Renewable energy can be used for electricity generation, space, water heating and cooling, and transportation.

Non-renewable energy, in contrast, comes from finite sources that could get used up, such as fossil fuels like coal and oil.

00:33- About Samresh Kumar

  • Samresh Kumar is the Founder, Chairman, and CEO of SkyX Solar.
  • He was the Entrepreneur of the Year, in 2021.
  • He is being named among the Top 10 Power Business Leaders.

02:18- Tell me about this venture and what was your motivation to start this venture.

  • When I did energy Investments with Sun Group it was primarily in oil and gas. Renewables were not so hot at that time.
  • Five years back, when I joined Vina Capitals, I was leading the private Equity investments and looking at new platforms. 
  • I realized the renewable energy space would take off especially solar given the industry shift.
  • I wanted to find a CEO to lead this but become an accidental entrepreneur in the rooftop solar space

08:06- A very significant chunk of power in almost all countries in Asia is still coal, do you see this changing

  • It is definitely changing very rapidly.
  • Solar has accelerated in development in the last three years because solar panel prices went down by 80%.

09:29- We often hear that cost of energy will become “zero” in our lifetime. Is this possible?

  • The solar power plant has warranties for 25 years. It is a very low cost of operation. 
  • By 2050, when the world has built a lot of solar power plants and the capital invested has been returned then the marginal cost of operating those solar power plants would be very low.
  • It will not be zero, but it would be less.

15:06- What do you look for before you decide to make an investment?

  • There are three things that I look at:
  • The team: How strong is the founding team and the senior leadership team.
  • Market size: The total addressable market and the business model
  • The traction: How have they been performing 


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  • Samresh Kumar is the Founder, Chairman, and CEO of SkyX Solar.
  • He was the Entrepreneur of the Year, in 2021.
  • He is being named among the Top 10 Power Business Leaders.

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