Larissa Soehn | International Bestselling Author; CEO, Next Page Publishing

Larissa Soehn | International Bestselling Author; CEO, Next Page Publishing

  • Larissa is an international best-selling author.
  • She is also the Chief Executive Officer of Next Page Publishing.



We have often heard about the struggles that authors face to get their books published. It is an overwhelming process especially for the new writers. In today’s episode, we discuss the book publishing world with the international bestselling author, Larissa Soehn. We discuss the challenges that writers face to write and get their books published and also talk in detail about traditional vs. hybrid book publishing.

[00:32] – About Larissa Soehn

  • Larissa is an international best-selling author.
  • She is also the Chief Executive Officer of Next Page Publishing.

[02:40] – How do you help some aspiring authors on Next Page Publishing?

  • We are a traditional and a hybrid publisher, so we publish in both facets.
  • We get to help the authors that have their hearts set on traditional publishing, but we only take a few books a year, and we only take the books that we think we can help through getting into schools and libraries.
  • We primarily serve entrepreneurs, and we wanted to provide them with the opportunity to use the book in their own way, as they see fit. 
  • Traditional publishing often limits these rights, and the ability to freely distribute or give away your book is restricted.  
  • We established the hybrid half of our publishing company, where we guide individuals from the very first word to the final published product.
  • We come in at the very beginning, and we walk with you, so that you can feel confident that your book is going to meet market trends, it’s going to tell your story, it’s going to say what you want it to say without the fear of getting lost in the messy middle. 

[06:59] – How do you determine out of the many people who must be writing to you, who is suitable to support as an author?

  • We are a small press publishing house and for us, it doesn’t come down to the bottom line, it doesn’t come down to dollar value for us.
  • It comes down to relationships. We look at your book, and we see if it’s a good fit for us.
  • We have a preference for up-and-coming women’s voices, particularly those from Canada, as we are Canadian ourselves. Our focus leans towards business memoirs with a transformational theme.
  • That’s what we’ve built our brand on but the binary factor is how much do we connect with you during our interview process. 


You can connect with Larissa Soehn : LinkedIn 

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  • Larissa is an international best-selling author.
  • She is also the Chief Executive Officer of Next Page Publishing.

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