Leanne Bucaro, CEO and Founder, InfinityComm

Leanne Bucaro, CEO and Founder, InfinityComm

Leanne Bucaro, CEO, and Founder, InfinityComm

I am also a campaign builder, video/TV/multi-media content producer/director, keynote speaker, author, entrepreneur.



Do you know what Thought Leadership is? Or have ever paid attention to corporate storytelling? No? Then today is the day you will since we have invited a very special guest to our show today who has a specialization in the above two subjects. 

This is the story of a CEO who was diagnosed with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in 2004. It is a chronic condition including attention difficulty, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. Instead of getting negative about it, she made it her superpower. We are talking about Leanne Bucaro, who is also our guest for today’s episode. She is the founder and CEO of InfinitiComm. She also holds the position of CEO at Bad Kitty Productions. She specializes in thought leadership, multimedia campaigns, corporate storytelling, and creative content.

Leanne tells us that due to her ADHD, she is able to gain a different perspective of everything. She looks at things in a different manner than other people that is why she calls it her superpower. Her brain works better than other people when it comes to creative thinking and problem-solving. However, it only works on the things it wants to.

The concept of Thought Leadership

A thought leader is a person who is an expert in something, as a platform to talk and is willing to share his knowledge with his audience in engaging content. Leanne calls it ‘Defining Your Narrative’ or ‘Uncovering Your Narrative’. She says that every CEO has a story to tell, however, some people may not be comfortable sharing it with others. Leanne believes that they should tell others about their journey so that it can benefit them and impact their lives in a good way. 

She further explains that there are two kinds of thought leadership; marketing-based, which would generate leads and the other kind is editorial based which is connecting to the audience. Leanne helps CEOs decide their stream and develop the content. She guides them on the steps and helps them with various tools and techniques like writing blogs, making videos, etc. According to her, anybody can become a thought leader.

How to deal with criticism and trolling?

Leanne suggests avoiding the trollers to the possible extent. She suggests not engaging with them, deleting, and blocking them because one is always gonna have them. However, she believes that if someone has a difference of opinion, she would encourage that. She would like to have a debate because that is engaging and that is how people learn. But if it is just a negative comment, which is unrelated to your story, you can shut them up, but do not over engage yourself with trolls.

How does Leanne help corporations to tell their stories?

Leanne tells us that when she works with leaders who are willing to share their stories, the first thing she makes sure of is that they are narrating their journey in a way that it looks like a story and not just throwing facts at the audience. She believes that would serve the public better if we communicate through storytelling. By storytelling she means that you are engaging with your audience, you are making them feel something. If you make them feel that they are a part of your journey, they are more likely to remember your story and your message. Leanne helps many leaders, CEOs, corporations, NPOs, etc. to reach the audience.


A creative CEO embracing her ADHD as a super power. I help shine the light on other CEO’s and Leaders by creating their Thought Leadership Platforms and helping them communicate their narratives in this noisy world. How? A little magic and a lot of storytelling in a time-efficient way. I am also a campaign builder, video/TV/multi-media content producer/director, keynote speaker, author, entrepreneur. In this over-communicated world, my goal is to tell help you, and your business or “cause” tell your story in an engaging way that will make the audience feel something. Specialties: Thought Leadership development, Creative, Multi-media Campaigns, Corporate storytelling, creative content.

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