Ashutosh Garg on Staying Healthy in Retirement

Staying Healthy in retirement- Ashutosh Garg

Keeping ourselves fit and healthy is important throughout our life. We owe this to ourselves. Fitness becomes even more important post retirement. Ashutosh Garg starts by emphasizing the paramount importance of maintaining fitness post-retirement and follows it up with some more important points.



Ashutosh Garg starts by emphasizing the paramount importance of maintaining fitness post-retirement. Exercising is an effective method to maintain fitness- but aren’t there some things you should know about before taking this road?- Ashutosh Garg explains how to start exercising in retirement.  Ashutosh talks about how pragmatic an idea following a routine is and deciphers a long debated dilemma- Should one stick on to a routine?

Ashutosh talks about managing stress post-retirement and tackling the persistent sense of loss. Ashutosh Garg introduces and explains ideas like learning to meditate, finding an inspiring story, identifying causes of stress, switching to regular routine, et cetera.

Ashutosh Garg asks the retirees to be purposeful and open to changes. He talks about how to master the art of letting go. Medical checkups must be done regularly and not excessively- Ashutosh Garg elucidates the importance of being aware of treatment and health.


#Retirement #Health #TheBrandCalledYou


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