The Brand Called You podcast brings you a Yoga Teacher, a disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda Ji, Richard K. McCord, Director of Ananda Yoga worldwide, Ananda Yoga Teacher Training, and Ananda School of Yoga & Meditation (USA). Gyandev Ji starts off by sharing the Key teachings of his guru Paramahansa Yogananda Ji. He tells us how his guru made everyone believe in themselves by constantly reminding them, “you can do this.” Gyandev Ji’s life was perfect, he had the perfect job, perfect salary, a good home, but he was not happy. His search for happiness brought him across his guru and he has never looked back. He has been living in the ashram for the past 3 decades and has devoted all his life to yoga and meditation. He is now a teacher himself. He shares the traditional meaning of Yoga, which is not just postures but to attain consciousness through meditation and kriya yoga. He shares in detail the meaning of Kriya Yoga and Meditation and shares why Yoga is never talked about in its full depth in today’s world. People are more outward-focused, hence Yoga has also become a body-related thing in today’s world, but the main focus of yoga should be looking inside yourself. Gyandev Ji shares his wisdom on how yoga helps oneself in discovering themselves, attaining everlasting happiness, and raising consciousness. It helps clear the focus of one’s mind. He then shares a few things about Nayaswami Order and who can get ordained in it. Tune in and listen to some amazing insights into how one can raise their consciousness through yoga!
Gyandev McCord, Director of Ananda Yoga worldwide, Ananda Yoga Teacher Training and Ananda School of Yoga & Meditation (USA)

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