“The more I found, the more I gave”
Stephen Hecht is the Co-Founder and Chief Executive peacemaker of a non-profit venture called “Million Peacemakers”. He is also the Co-Author of the book- ‘Nonflict, The art of everyday peacemaking’. After 35 years of personal businesses, Mr. Hecht got into conflict resolution.Â
In this very articulate conversation, Mr. Hecht explains the steps of conflict resolution. He believes that understanding, listening and finding commonality are the key factors to any conflict resolution. He spoke about the analysis of conflict triggering aspects in self and other people. According to Mr. Hecht, analysis of personality is very important in conflict resolution.Â
Talking about his book Nonflict, he gave the audience a brief idea of the title and the points he has covered in the book. He also demonstrated to Mr. Garg, a very interesting AI technology called ‘Alexa Nonflict’.
Mr. Hecht also spoke about his journey in YPO and the many successful people he got a chance to meet. Success to Mr. Hecht is to pursue a vision bigger than himself and to enjoy the ride. He is indeed a visionary!
Stephen Hecht, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Peacemaker, Million Peacemakers

Stephen Hecht is the co-author of the bestseller, Nonflict: The Art of Everyday Peacemaking and co-founder and Chief Executive Peacemaker of Million Peacemakers. He brings over 35 years of personal, business and geopolitical experience to the field of conflict resolution. Founded in 2014, Million Peacemakers is a non-profit organization which empowers people to transform conflict to Nonflict. With a focus on youth, families and businesses, over 235,000 people have been trained with 9 million impacted. Many of those are women’s and students in India in collaboration with Sakal Media who have translated the book into Marathi. Winner of the Canada Award for Business Excellence and the YMCA Peace Medal, Stephen served YPO (Young President’s Organization) leadership at Chapter, Regional and International levels with a focus on education.
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