On today’s episode of The Brand Called You, we have with us a very senior academician, Ms. Vandana Chawla. Vandana is the Principle of New Era Public School New Delhi. She has received the Delhi State Teachers Award for Excellence. And in her leisure time, she is also a jewelry designer! Vandana shares with host Ashutosh Garg, her journey through education and the vast experiences that she has gained. Vandana believes that her life is more important than her career, and so she begins by listing three key milestones of her life. Vandana’s journey into education is a very unique one! Having education rooted in the family, Vandana has worked at New Era Public School that her mother founded in New Delhi. And soon she worked her way to be the Principal there. She talks about the challenges she faces as a principal of a public school. And the evolution of the public education system in India. She also talks in detail about the changes that have taken place in the Indian Education System. She also shares how her love for jewelry has now turned into a small business that she runs from home.
“I mean what I say and I say what I mean”
Vandana believes that giving is more important than receiving. And that itself is what success means to her.
Vandana Chawla, Principal, New Era Public School, New Delhi

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