Category Archives: Female

Susie deVille, Founder & CEO, The Innovation & Creativity Institute; Author, Buoyant

Susie deVille is the Founder and CEO, of The Innovation & Creativity Institute.
She is the Author of Buoyant: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Becoming Wildly Successful, Creative and Free
Susie deVille is the Founder and CEO, of The Innovation & Creativity Institute. She is the Author of Buoyant: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Becoming Wildly Successful, Creative and Free

Shari Botwin, Trauma Therapist; Author, Thriving After Trauma: Stories of Living and Healing

Shari Botwin is a licensed clinical social worker and Author of Thriving After Trauma: Stories of Living and Healing
She is also a Trauma Therapist, Media Contributor, Podcaster, Blogger

Siri Abrahamsen | Founder and CEO | World of Empathy – Gleding | Speaker | Author

Siri Abrahamsen is the founder of Gleding, an empathy trainer, bestselling author and a professional public speaker.
She has spent decades studying psychology, philosophy, sociology and empathy.

Dr. Navana Kundu | Bestselling Award Winning Author | TEDx Speaker |Active Entrepreneur

• She is a renowned international keynote speaker, TEDx speaker, active entrepreneur, and Master practitioner in several therapies and coaching specialties to accelerate positive change in people’s lives.

Lee Ussher, Corporate & Leadership Branding Strategist; Buzz Web Media Owner

For over 10 years, Lee Ussher has helped companies & business leaders navigate through the digital & social media marketing challenges to position their brands as industry leaders & maintain long-term influence.

Dr Barrie E Litzky | Assoc Prof of Entrepreneurship | Drexel University

She teaches social entrepreneurship, sustainable innovation, and mindfulness. Barrie’s research centres on the role of business in society and how organizations and their members create and respond to social justice issues.