Category Archives: Male

Alykhan Jetha, CEO, MarketCircle Inc.

If you are inexperienced, then you need to buy yourself time. If you are experienced, then maybe you can go ahead and raise money.

Dr. Bilel Jamoussi, Candidate, Director of the Telecommunications Standardization Bureau TSB

The world today runs on data and information. This data and information need to transmitted from place to place in seconds.

Dr. Chaesub Lee, Director, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU

Chaesub Lee has been involved in the fields of telecommunication and ICT for 35 years: as a technical expert.

Bodhi Aldridge, Leadership Coach, Mentor, Facilitator & Teacher

Striving to be a successful business person and leader at work, while also showing up as a committed parent and partner at home, is a tall order and a relatively new aspiration. Few of us have role models to look up to, and it’s no wonder many of us are struggling to find the time, clarity, and focus we need to reach our personal and professional goals.