Category Archives: Male

Jeremy Kourdi | CEO, Kourdi Associates; Commentator; Executive Coach; Author

Jeremy is the Chief Executive Officer of Kourdi Associates, a commentator, and an executive coach. He has a forthcoming book titled, “50 Ideas that Changed the World of Work.”

Prof Yannis Ioannidis; Dept of Informatics and Telecom, National and Kapodistrian University, Athen

He is the President of ACM – Association for Computing Machinery, the oldest computing science organization. He is a Professor of Informatics and Telecommunications at the University of Athens.

Sarah Dawkins | Holistic Health Coach | Keynote Speaker | Author | Heal Yourself |

She has extensive experience in health and wellness gained through her years in nursing and her insatiable drive to improve overall health through nutrition and natural means.
Sarah takes a holistic approach to her work, understanding that healing is not only physical but mental, emotional and spiritual and supports clients to find and heal the root cause of their health issues.

Dr Paritosh Basu | Humane and Ethical Dimensions of Digital Transformation |

Dr Basu is a digital evangelist and engaged in several research and consulting activities. The subjects of his ongoing three research projects are Crowdfunding, Accounting and Reporting from Blockchain Platforms and CBDC.
He is presently serving as Senior Director (Services) of Stragility Consulting Pvt. Ltd. His book ‘Digital Transformation – A Prismatic View’ was published in March 2022.

Bernie Kelly | Business Transformation Mentor | Author | Leading Disruption with Grace |

Bernie is a skilled Business Transformation Leadership Capacity Builder, who works as a speaker and facilitator for leaders and leadership teams.He currently holds the position of Chair at the Australian Transformation and Turnaround Association.