Category Archives: Male

Leif Edvinsson, Professor Emeritus on Intellectual Capital

Professor Leif Edvinsson is a key pioneering contributor to the theory and practice of Intellectual Capital(IC).
The world’s first director of IC in 1991. Prototyping in 1996 the Skandia Future Center as Lab for Organizational design.

Jamie Weeks | Exec Chairman & Founder | Legacy Franchise Concepts and Honors Holdings LLC

Jamie is the Executive Chairman and Founder of Honors Holdings, the largest franchisee for Orange theory Fitness studios across the globe.

Dr Ajai Chowdhry | Founder | HCL Chairman | EPIC Foundation| Author of ‘Just Aspire’

Dr Ajai Chowdhry is one of the six founder members of HCL. In 1995, He took over the reins of HCL Infosystems & created a 12,000 crore (US $1.6 Bn) organization over the next 15 years.