Category Archives: Ashutosh Garg

David Singleton, Coach, Strategic Advisor, Partner Socius Group

To understand the Middle-Eastern markets, we have invited an expert in this field. Our guest for today, David Singleton, has been working in the Middle Eastern countries for a very long time.

Dr. Shyam Vasudeva Rao, MD, Renalyx Health Systems; Founder, Forus Health

The Kidney is 8 times more efficient than what is needed for any other organ, said Dr. Rao as he explained the functioning of this very vital organ of our body.

Elysabeth Alfano, CEO, Vegtech Invest

The hue and cry around climate change are real and are getting serious with each passing day. While some of us are pertinently working to defer the disasters, others aren’t even bothered.

Nish Parekh, Co-Founder, Kapdaa; The Offcut Company; Founder, The Sustainable Hub

Nish tells us that since his mother is a fashion designer, he has seen offcuts all his life. He saw them being of no use. One day, he sat with one of his mother’s studio managers and made a product out of offcut.

Neel Pandya, CEO, APAC & Europe, Pixis, a Global AI Infrastructure Startup

Neel tells us that Pixis is a firm that uses Artificial Intelligence tools to develop models that can help in marketing and branding.