Category Archives: Ashutosh Garg

Dr. Miriam Zylberglait, Triple Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Obesity

She is triple board certified in Internal Medicine, Geriatrics, and Obesity. She is deeply passionate about mental health, burnout prevention, and leadership.

Prof Raj Rao | Prof of Biomedical Engineering | College of Engineering | the University of Arkansas |

Raj R. Rao, PhD is a Professor of Biomedical Engineering in the College of Engineering, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
He served as Department Head, Biomedical Engineering and as the George M. and Boyce W. Billingsley Endowed Chair in Engineering from 2016-2022.

Geoffrey M Roche, Senior VP, National Healthcare Practice and Workforce Partnerships

He is an accomplished leader with passionate commitment towards healthcare innovations. He is the senior vice president of National Healthcare Practice and Workforce Partnerships.

Debora Prossomariti, Personal Branding & Strategic Marketing Consultant

She got familiar with personal branding during her times of job search. She is very passionate about sharing her voice and helping others build their brand.

Dr Akhil Shahani | MD, The Shahani Group; Chairman, Global Discovery Schools

Dr. Shahani is the managing director of the Shahani Group. He runs a franchise range of colleges in areas like Business, Media, Real Estate, and Finance.

Ddeepak Kapoor | Founder | BEGIN India Think Tank |

Kapoor possesses experience in direct marketing globally across more than 12 business domains and 4 continents via tele-calling, digital marketing and a host of other cost-effective marketing tools.

Subroto Mukherjee | Founder and CEO | Moulting Caterpillar LLP |

He is an alumnus of XLRI (Jamshedpur), Defence Services Staff College (Wellington) and PSG College (Coimbatore). Subroto has during his career in the Indian Navy, commanded two frontline warships, including one during the Kargil Conflict.