Category Archives: India

Dr Paritosh Basu | Humane and Ethical Dimensions of Digital Transformation |

Dr Basu is a digital evangelist and engaged in several research and consulting activities. The subjects of his ongoing three research projects are Crowdfunding, Accounting and Reporting from Blockchain Platforms and CBDC.
He is presently serving as Senior Director (Services) of Stragility Consulting Pvt. Ltd. His book ‘Digital Transformation – A Prismatic View’ was published in March 2022.

Sougata Basu, Founder, CashRich, a venture-funded wealth-tech startup

He is the Founder of CashRich which is a venture-funded wealth management company. He was with Tata Steel before founding CashRich and managed over two billion in assets.

Sharmila Jain-Oswal | Founder, Gudmom by 1Organic; Millet Woman of India

Sharmila Jain is the founder of Gudmom by 1Organic, which is an organic food and millet brand. She is spearheading the India Millet Mission, and has been called the millet Woman of India.

Dr Akhil Shahani | MD, The Shahani Group; Chairman, Global Discovery Schools

Dr. Shahani is the managing director of the Shahani Group. He runs a franchise range of colleges in areas like Business, Media, Real Estate, and Finance.

Ddeepak Kapoor | Founder | BEGIN India Think Tank |

Kapoor possesses experience in direct marketing globally across more than 12 business domains and 4 continents via tele-calling, digital marketing and a host of other cost-effective marketing tools.

Lt Gen PJS Pannu | PVSM | AVSM | VSM | Fmr Deputy Chief Indian Integrated Defence Services |

Former Deputy Chief Indian Integrated Defence Staff (Operations) responsible for coordinating military operations of the three services. He was responsible for raising the Defence Space and Cyber Agencies, as well as the Special Forces Division.