Krishna talks about his awe-inspiring transition from CA to consulting to private equity to entrepreneurship.
Category Archives: India
Mrs. Kaushik spoke about the gender imbalance in the workplace and how it needs to be filled.
Mr. Jha talked about his experience in starting Yantra and the many challenges that he faced.
Mohit talks about his early life, learnings, and challenges.
Mrs. Dutta put forth some very strong points regarding the position of India in classical art appreciation.
Seema explains the lack of awareness with respect to education among people and the irresponsible behavior that parents display.
Mr. Mittal talks about technology in his business and how it has helped his projects.
Mr. Nanda and Mr. Garg also engaged in some very interesting aspects of scaling business in Singapore, mistakes of startup entrepreneurs etc.
Sahil enlightened the audience about the daily maintenance of a horse and what all goes into making a professional horse rider.
Chandni shares her life story and talks to us about the success of her book.