Category Archives: Business Leader

Gyuri (George) Vergouw | Management Consultant, Trainer and Writer

George is a management consultant.
He is an author of a large number of books and editor-in-chief of the management site.

Neil Sahota | Chief Executive Officer, ACSILabs Inc

Neil is the CEO of the ACSILabs, which is meant to improve human thinking.
He has also been a speaker for years.

Apparao Mallavarapu | Chairman and Managing Director at Centum Electronics Ltd

Apparao is the Chairman and Managing Director at Centum Electronics Ltd.
He holds a masters degree from Del Tech University Canada and graduated as a mechanical engineer from Bangalore University.

Luis Oala | Head of Machine Learning at Dotphoton

Luis is the Head of Machine Learning at Dotphoton, an image compression solution for professional applications.
He is a PhD research scientist at the Department of Artificial Intelligence of Wojciech Samek at Fraunhofer HHI in Berlin, Germany.

Vint Cerf | VP and Chief Internet Evangelist, Google

Vint is recognised as an American internet pioneer, called one of the fathers of the internet.
He is the co-author of the TCP Protocol.

Sangeet Chowfla | Former CEO, Graduate Management Admission Council, Board Member and Advisor

Sangeeta is the former Chief Executive Officer of GMAC, the Graduate Management Admission Council.
He is a board member and an advisor.

Dr. Paul J du Plessis | Prof of Roman Law, School of Law, The University of Edinburgh

Dr. J du Plessis is the professor of Roman Law School of Law at the University of Edinburgh.
He is the author of six books with publishers including Oxford University Press and Bloomsbury.

Mark C Crowley | Author, Lead From The Heart – Transformational Leadership For The 21st Century

Mark spent 20 years with the FinTech industry.
He is an author of a book titled, “Lead From The Heart: Transformational Leadership For The 21st Century.”

Mark spent 20 years with the FinTech industry.He is an author of a book titled, “Lead From The Heart: Transformational Leadership For The 21st Century.”