Trevor Merriden, Founder and MD, Merriborn Media

Trevor Merriden, Founder and MD, Merriborn Media

  • Trevor is the founder, owner and MD of Merriborn Media- a business dedicated to developing clever content, engaging online communities and effective collaborative working for clients. I am also an Associate Director at 10Eighty.




‘Keeping your balance” – professional and personal management in a busy world may be complex for many. But Trevor Merriden, founder and MD of Merriborn Media, had aced the space in many ways. A journalist, author, and now a business person is dedicating his time and experience to developing high-quality content.

You are in the right place if you also want to know some valuable insights about media and content creation.

[00:33] – About Trevor Merriden and his journey.

  • Trevor is the founder, owner and MD of Merriborn Media- a business dedicated to developing clever content, engaging online communities and effective collaborative working for clients. I am also an Associate Director at 10Eighty.
  • He was a journalist for 15 years, including spells as deputy editor of Management Today and the editor and then editor-in-chief at Human Resources magazine.
  • He is a thought leadership expert in B2B and human resources.
  • He authored three high-profile and well-received business books and has made many appearances on radio and TV
  • He is a regular speaker and chair at seminars and conferences. And many moons ago, I was also a senior economist at the Bank of England.
  • Merriden is also an Associate Director at 10Eighty.

[08:00] – What are some common errors many people make?

  • I think this rush to talk about oneself before or talking about the buyers in general- they are not stupid. If they see that you are talking about the issues that matter to them, they will want to learn more about you. They will sniff a sales pitch if you start talking about yourself too early.
  • Organisations bring you in to talk about distilling down an issue that they are addressing. It is cathartic for them to have those discussions. I provide a sort of unintended service sometimes.
  • It is a combination of talking about oneself too early and probably not having an honest discussion on why we are doing this now.

[23:20]- Tell us about your podcast and the subject you cover.

  • In running my business, I thought to extend my confidence and put people on the fast track of having faith in their business development.
  • I interview people who inspire me and discuss the challenges they face as an entrepreneur with ways to get through them.
  • We all get stuck at various stages. The idea is to take the listener on their journey and to put them on the fast track. They should identify all those blockers that are stopping them from succeeding.

[22:30] – What three lessons do you want our viewers & listeners to take away from your journey?

  • When starting a venture, you must be passionate about what you are doing. Understand the short questions like who, what, when, and how. They are tactical issues. However, why is central.
  • Trust yourself: If you are thinking about which direction you are going in or in the middle of developing something, your inner voice must be directing you in some way. Listen to the doubt but always trust yourself.
  • Belief in yourself: When you trust yourself, you must also believe you have the resources and capability. A lack of belief is the biggest thing that gets in your way of succeeding.


You can connect with Trevor Merriden – on LinkedIn

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  •  Trevor is the founder, owner and MD of Merriborn Media- a business dedicated to developing clever content, engaging online communities and effective collaborative working for clients. He is also an Associate Director at 10Eighty.
  • He was a journalist for 15 years, including spells as deputy editor of Management Today and the editor and then editor-in-chief at Human Resources magazine.
  • He is a thought leadership expert in B2B and human resources.
  • He authored three high-profile and well-received business books and has made many appearances on radio and TV
  • He is a regular speaker and chair at seminars and conferences. And many moons ago, I was also a senior economist at the Bank of England.
  • Merriden is also an Associate Director at 10Eighty.

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