MaurizioTotta, Impact Investor & Entrepreneur

MaurizioTotta, Impact Investor & Entrepreneur

Today we bring you entrepreneur and Impact Investor, MaurizioTotta who explains why Impact Investing is the best way to change our world and save the planet.



Did you know that the year 2021 recorded the second-highest percentage of carbon emissions produced in the history of humankind? Our house is literally on fire! Hundreds of years of systematic capitalization and the deforestation of forests have become two of the major causes of the rising carbon emissions.

Millennials and Gen Zs have renounced the old ways of living and are slowly moving towards sustainable ways of living. One major change that has come about in the modern world is the vilification of a necessary commodity: Money. Today we bring you entrepreneur and Impact Investor, MaurizioTotta who explains why Impact Investing is the best way to change our world and save the planet.

Tune in to this episode and learn how to leverage your money to make this world a better place. Maurizio explains the importance of impact investing in modern times. He also shares how this practice of intelligent impact investing will help our planet and at the same time, make you more money. He shares his experience of working in the Brazillian rainforest and explains the negative effects of systematic deforestation in Brazillian forests done by the locals to graze the cattle. He provides sustainable ways to achieve their goals while also providing them ways to earn money.

Tune in to learn how to make money while doing good at the same time! Do not forget to Like and Comment on our video. Subscribe to our channel while we talk to Global Leaders about their experiences.


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