Maria A. Dahrieh, Founder & Chief Executive, Earth05; Environmentalist

Maria A. Dahrieh, Founder & Chief Executive, Earth05; Environmentalist

  • Maria has extensive experience in startups, fundraising, and investor relations, indicating a strong background in entrepreneurship and finance.
  • She is described as a serial entrepreneur, suggesting that she has been involved in multiple startup ventures over time.



This insightful conversation with Maria A. Dahrieh, Founder & Chief Executive of Earth05, delves into her remarkable journey as an environmentalist, tech pioneer, and changemaker. Driven by her experiences witnessing human suffering and deep empathy for children in need, Maria shares her vision for Earth05, a non-profit platform fostering co-creation and open innovation to tackle pressing issues around water scarcity, microplastics, energy, and food security through the lens of AI and advanced technologies like digital twins and the metaverse. With a focus on ethical AI, water rights, and the convergence of water, energy, and food security, Maria’s initiatives aim to bring together brilliant minds, scientists, entrepreneurs, and stakeholders to co-create pioneering solutions for real-world deployment, especially in indigenous communities. The conversation explores her unique approach, the Earth05 prize, her future aspirations, and the trends she envisions, offering valuable insights into purposeful leadership, innovation, and sustainability for a better world.

00:08- About Maria A. Dahrieh

  • Maria has extensive experience in startups, fundraising, and investor relations, indicating a strong background in entrepreneurship and finance.
  • She is described as a serial entrepreneur, suggesting that she has been involved in multiple startup ventures over time.
  • Maria is also involved in philanthropy and environmental initiatives, demonstrating a commitment to social and environmental causes.

12:43- What caused you to be the founder and CEO of Earth05? What was the motivation that got you started on Earth05?

  • I was motivated to found Earth05 due to a sense of personal frustration with the repetitive nature of my career in investment readiness and investor relations, feeling disconnected from my true self.
  • The triggering events for me were witnessing conflicts such as the Ukrainian war, Syrian war, and Israeli conflict, which led me to feel a deep sense of pain and helplessness.
  • I felt compelled to take action and make a difference, leveraging my skills, resources, and network to address global issues like water conservation, drought, and access to water, aiming to contribute substantially to positive change in collaboration with like-minded individuals and organizations.

36:42- What are some of the trends out there that you want to draw attention to, that you think about?

  • I would emphasize the importance of understanding and addressing consumption patterns, urging individuals to reconsider lavish lifestyles and appreciate the value of resources like water.
  • I advocate for increased attention to the water space, highlighting the need for research and awareness beyond viewing water solely as a hydration source, and emphasizing its spiritual and broader significance.
  • I’d identify driving AI with purpose as a significant trend I wish to see and stress the importance of ethical considerations and limitations in AI development to prevent harm to humanity taking the reference of the EU AI Act as a positive step in this direction.


Learn more about Maria A. Dahrieh: LinkedIn

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  • Maria has extensive experience in startups, fundraising, and investor relations, indicating a strong background in entrepreneurship and finance.
  • She is described as a serial entrepreneur, suggesting that she has been involved in multiple startup ventures over time.
  • Maria is also involved in philanthropy and environmental initiatives, demonstrating a commitment to social and environmental causes.

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