Dr Steven Rogelberg, Chancellor’s Professor, UNC Charlotte; Author, ‘Glad We Met: The Art and Science of 1:1 Meetings’

Dr Steven Rogelberg, Chancellor’s Professor, UNC Charlotte; Author, ‘Glad We Met: The Art and Science of 1:1 Meetings’

  • Steven is the Chancellor’s professor at UNC Charlotte. Adam Grant has called Steven the world’s leading expert on how to fix meetings. 
  • Dr Rogelberg’s previous book ‘The Surprising Science of Meetings: How You Can Lead Your Team to Peak Performance,’ has been on over 25 Best of lists including being recognized by the Washington Post as the number one leadership book to watch. 



In an exclusive interview with Dr Steven Rogelberg, Chancellor’s Professor at UNC Charlotte and acclaimed author of ‘Glad We Met: The Art and Science of 1:1 Meetings,’ discover the profound impact of 1:1 meetings in today’s evolving workplace landscape. Dr Rogelberg delves into the misconceptions surrounding meetings, the transformative potential of genuine connections, and strategies to ensure virtual interactions are as effective as in-person ones. Gain valuable insights into tailoring meetings to diverse personalities, fostering psychological safety, and harnessing the power of regular, employee-focused interactions. Explore how investing in meaningful dialogue can elevate individual, team, and organizational success.

00:41- About Dr Steven Rogelberg

  • Steven is the Chancellor’s professor at UNC Charlotte. Adam Grant has called Steven the world’s leading expert on how to fix meetings. 
  • Dr Rogelberg’s previous book ‘The Surprising Science of Meetings: How You Can Lead Your Team to Peak Performance,’ has been on over 25 Best of lists including being recognized by the Washington Post as the number one leadership book to watch. 
  • His second book, ‘Glad We Met: The Art and Science of 1:1 Meetings’ came out in January and is already receiving tremendous praise, including a SHRM top 12 workplace books recognition. 
  • His keynotes on meetings spanned the globe and occurred at the world’s leading organizations including but not limited to Google, Facebook, Amazon, Pfizer, Cisco Bank of America, PayPal, Dell, the United Nations three M brand, the Security Exchange Commission, Corning Siemens, London Stock Exchange, DIA and Warner Brothers.

12:40- How can leaders ensure they’re fully present and engaged in a 1:1 meeting?

  • Leaders should understand that 1:1 meetings benefit both themselves and their direct reports, as investing in others’ success ultimately enhances their own.
  • Leaders must actively prioritize being fully present and engaged during 1:1 meetings, recognizing the importance of these interactions in fostering meaningful connections and driving success.
  • By conducting regular 1:1 meetings, leaders can reduce interruptions from employees seeking guidance or updates, allowing them to focus more effectively on their tasks and responsibilities.

23:22- What is the one key takeaway you hope our viewers, listeners, and annual readers will take away from Glad We Met?

  • Invest in Genuine Connection: One key takeaway is the importance of investing in genuine connections in the workplace.
  • Transformative Impact: Recognize that genuine connections through meetings have the power to elevate individual and organizational success.
  • Prioritize Human Interaction: Amidst the challenges of remote work and digital communication, prioritize face-to-face interactions over emails to foster meaningful connections.


Learn more about Dr Steven Rogelberg: Linkedin

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  • Steven is the Chancellor’s professor at UNC Charlotte. Adam Grant has called Steven the world’s leading expert on how to fix meetings. 
  • Dr. Rogelberg’s previous book ‘The Surprising Science of Meetings: How You Can Lead Your Team to Peak Performance,’ has been on over 25 Best of lists including being recognized by the Washington Post as the number one leadership book to watch. 
  • His second book, ‘Glad We Met: The Art and Science of 1:1 Meetings’ came out in January and is already receiving tremendous praise, including a SHRM top 12 workplace books recognition. 
  • His keynotes on meetings spanned the globe and occurred at the world’s leading organizations including but not limited to Google, Facebook, Amazon, Pfizer, Cisco Bank of America, PayPal, Dell, the United Nations three M brand, the Security Exchange Commission, Corning Siemens, London Stock Exchange, DIA and Warner Brothers.

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