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Krishan Dhawan, Former CEO, Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation

Shakti is a grant making organization which engages with policymakers, regulators, civil society, think tanks, academia, business and international organizations in pursuit of an enabling policy framework that is based on sustainable and clean sources of fuel, which ensures affordable and reliable energy access, fosters efficiency in energy use, improves environmental stewardship, and promotes sustainable economic growth and energy security. It designs and manages program strategies and works with grantees in delivering knowledge input and analysis to policy makers in support of sustainable development and the transition to clean energy. Shakti started work by focusing on climate policy, renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable transport. It since extended its work to air quality (and health linkages), energy access, electric mobility, clean energy finance, business & climate, sustainable cooling and low carbon development. In addition to grant making, Shakti also focuses on two additional roles: i) convening stakeholders with shared interests and ii) in building civil society capacity in the areas it works in. Shakti funded the establishment on a first of its kind incubator for non-profits working on clean energy at the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad. Shakti has also supported the establishment of the International Solar Alliance.
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