Category Archives: Male

Ihab Hinnawi, Fmr Group CEO, Bahrain Telecom (Batelco)

Ihab Hinnawi, Fmr Group CEO, Bahrain Telecom (Batelco)

He tells us that the average age of telcos board room is 65, the average age of the management is 45 and the average age of their clients is 15.

Mickey Huibregtsen, Fmr Global Board Member, McKinsey, Fmr Chairman, Dutch Olympic Committee

Mickey Huibregtsen, Fmr Global Board Member, McKinsey, Fmr Chairman, Dutch Olympic Committee

Mickey believes that the Netherlands has a structural advantage as a country due to their small size and big population. He tells us that they have an intense network of sports clubs in their country.

Tom Allen, Founder, The AI Journal

Tom Allen, Founder, The AI Journal

Tracy talks a bit about her book as well and covers in detail every question asked about coaching and her journey.

Vineet Kapoor, Managing Director, Hotlink

Vineet Kapoor, Managing Director, Hotlink

He clears and explains more such queries that might come to one’s mind regarding Hotlink. Join the conversation to get all the doubts cleared in about 20 minutes.

Tony V Francis, Chief Revenue Officer, Matrix Publicities, a WPP Company

Tony V Francis, Chief Revenue Officer, Matrix Publicities, WPP Company & Author, Autograph

The definition of creativity for Tony is “creating possibilities”. Though social media has diversified possibilities for new opportunities , it also has adversely affected creativity .