Category Archives: Sustainability/SDG

Kady Kanouté Tounkara | Director | Brand & Communications | Africa GreenTec

Kady Kanouté Tounkara OLY, Director Brand & Communication of Africa GreenTec, Marketing and Management degree from Fordham University, New York. She has ten years of experience in human resources management and career development projects with the International Olympic Committee and the International Red Cross Committee in the career development field for elite athletes, Social Business, with a strong focus on Sustainability and Disability Inclusion and Education.

Lucian Tarnowski, Founding Curator, United Planet & UP Game

The United Planet is a thriving Gaian civilization in harmony with all life. The UP Game is a time-traveling immersive reality to create mythologies from the United Planet.

Dr. Gena Cox, Organizational psychologist, Executive coach; Author, Leading Inclusion

Dr. Gena Cox holds a PhD in Industrial and Organizational (I-O) Psychology and is a certified professional coach (International Coach Federation).