Category Archives: UAE

Sunil Lalvani, Founder and CEO, Project Maji

Sunil Lalvani, founder and CEO of Project Maji, a non-profit social enterprise engaged in providing easy access to clean water to African rural communities. It is an interesting conversation as he talks not just about his organisation’s sustainable work, but also claims that this serious water problem is solvable.

Rohit Dev, Founding Partner, Ideas91, a Knowledge Advisory & Distribution Company

Rohit Dev, Founding Partner, Ideas91, a Knowledge Advisory & Distribution Company

The person behind the distribution business Hardee speaks about how Hardee was developed or rather created to enhance the current lifestyle to a fun and healthy lifestyle.

Greg Boucher, CEO, Mefitpro, World Class Fitness and Wellness Solutions

Greg throws light on his journey in the fitness industry and the abundant experiences he has gained. Greg defines fitness and informs that it is a varying concept for each individual.