Today on The Brand Called You, we have with us Mr. Paul Haggis, a senior corporate professional from Canada. He is a former Chairman of Alberta Enterprise Corporation. Paul has been a part of several corporate government engagements in Canada. He is a former member of the Canadian Armed Forces and retired as an honorary Kernel. Paul is also the former member and CEO of Homers. And is a member of the YPO. Paul begins by talking about the three key milestones of his life. He engages in a very interesting conversation with Ashutosh with respect to the changes that have taken place in the banking sector over the past few decades. He speaks about the digital transformation and revolution of the finance industry and how it has affected the ways in which it functions. Paul talks about the private equity sectors and gives some key suggestions with respect to making investments. With abundant experience in corporate governance and banking, Paul speaks in detail about the role of technology in banking. And how it has made the expense ratio cheaper. Paul believes in leading an honest life with integrity and tenacity!
Paul Haggis, Former Chairman of the Alberta Enterprise Corporation

Paul Haggis recently retired as Chairman of the Alberta Enterprise Corporation, a venture capital initiative operating as a Crown Corporation of the Alberta Government. Alberta Enterprise is investing in a fund of fund program and expects to have 300 million dollars for first stage venture aimed primarily at western Canadian tech and bio start up firms. He is also Chair of the Audit Committee of Advantage Energy of Calgary, Chair of the Audit Committee of Home Capital Group, Director of the Bank of Canada, Director of Sunshine Village Corporation, and advisory board member and limited partner in CAI Firehorn Fund and Balfour Pacific. He retired after an extended term from the board of the University of British Columbia’s Investment Management Trust which governs the investment program for its $3 billion endowment and pension programs. In addition, Paul has overseen and is actively engaged in the investment program at ICBC as an advisor to the Investment Committee after completing a four and a half year term as its Investment Committee Chair.  ICBC enjoyed outstanding investment results on its 13 billion dollar portfolio throughout 2008 to 2012. Paul was Chair of CABancorp which was sold to CDJ Capital for a 300% gain in share value and was Chair of the Audit Committee of Prime Restaurants which was sold to Fairfax for a gain of 80% in share value in 18 months. , and Governance Chair and Special Committee member of Pure Industrial Real Estate Trust which was sold to Black Rock valued at a 4.8% cap rate. Paul also concluded a restructuring Chairmanship of the Canadian Pacific Railway after coming to the board through a proxy battle initiated by Pershing Square Asset Management.  Canadian Pacific has had outstanding success since retaining Hunter Harrison as its new CEO and Keith Creel as COO now CEO. Â
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