Category Archives: Industry

Ihab Hinnawi, Fmr Group CEO, Bahrain Telecom (Batelco)

Ihab Hinnawi, Fmr Group CEO, Bahrain Telecom (Batelco)

He tells us that the average age of telcos board room is 65, the average age of the management is 45 and the average age of their clients is 15.

Erin Lee Jia Ning, Founder, Mindful Moments

Erin Lee Jia Ning, Founder, Mindful Moments

Now she believes that if she is able to bring value and well-being to people’s lives and if someone says that mindfulness is working for them, she considers herself to be successful.

Manisha Lad, Founder and ED, Akhil Autism Foundation, Director, Akhil Health Foods

Manisha Lad, Founder and ED, Akhil Autism Foundation, Director, Akhil Health Foods

“When it comes to autism, the child has to understand that I have to follow the rules of society and society has to understand that we have to tweak some of the rules for these individuals

Mickey Huibregtsen, Fmr Global Board Member, McKinsey, Fmr Chairman, Dutch Olympic Committee

Mickey Huibregtsen, Fmr Global Board Member, McKinsey, Fmr Chairman, Dutch Olympic Committee

Mickey believes that the Netherlands has a structural advantage as a country due to their small size and big population. He tells us that they have an intense network of sports clubs in their country.

Tom Allen, Founder, The AI Journal

Tom Allen, Founder, The AI Journal

Tracy talks a bit about her book as well and covers in detail every question asked about coaching and her journey.