Dr Vincenti has over 30 years of experience in the financial sector as a consultant and an executive in financial institutions.
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Sidhartha is a sustainability evangelist and a content creator.
Bryan Se To is founder & CEO of Lexly Health. He is creating a pain-relief space to solve body problems related to back, neck or shoulder pain.
Mike Kazi is the Founder, and Chairman, of Apex Homes MGT; Apex Capital.
Jackie Phahlamohlaka is the founder Member of the Siyabuswa Educational Improvement and Development Trust (SEIDET).
Mukul Goyal is the Principal Designer and Director of Designwise India Pvt Ltd.
Prof Alexander is the president of Office Plants by Everything Grows. He is the author of the book titled, “Lighten Your Day: Fast, Easy & Effective Stress Relief”.
Deepak Shenoy is the founder and CEO of Capitalmind.
Jon Kaufman is the Chief executive Officer of Global Water First.
Kon Apostolopoulos is a Founder and CEO of Fresh Biz Solutions, LLC, a Human Capital Management consulting group.