Category Archives: Ashutosh Garg

Ehsan Ali, Mentor, and Coach On a mission to empower 100K IT professionals

Whether you are a new entrepreneur, an aspiring entrepreneur, a business owner, or a salesperson, you need a mentor.

Dr. Heera Lal, IAS, Additional Mission Director, National Health Mission, UP

In today’s episode of The Brand Called You, we discuss the concepts of a bottom-up approach, the power of people’s involvement, and communication in strategizing solutions for several problems.

Reena Friedman-Watts, Founder, Better Call Daddy Show; Founder, MegaWatts Productions

A storytelling company can help you understand what your brand is all about and how you can tell your brand’s story to the right audience. Today we have Reena Friedman-Watts, Founder of Better Call Daddy Show; and MegaWatts Productions.