Mr. Subhabrata Maitra, an incredible businessman with expertise in the food industry. Tune in to listen about working in the hotel business, the adoption of new technology, and the impact of food on our life.
Category Archives: English
Sam Pitroda is a telecom engineer. He is also known as the Father of Indian Computers Revolution. He is an internationally respected development thinker, telecom investor and entrepreneur. He has been credited for having laid the foundation for India’s technology and telecommunication revolution in the 1980s. He was the Chairman of India’s National Knowledge Commission.
He feels content and proud to have made a career by celebrating people, bringing artists to school for growth, and preserving traditions.
Xaviera spent three years of her life at a Japanese Internment Camp.
A class-action lawsuit refers to a lawsuit by a large group of people with a similar legal problem.
Jignesh sees a phenomenal future of Biotech, Bioinformatics and Data Sciences in India. Jignesh sees a phenomenal future of Biotech, Bioinformatics and Data Sciences in India.
Ariel talks about the beauty of her job, which allows people to share all kinds of stories with her. She calls it a relationship of “familiar strangers.”
She affirms that masculine energy of practicality, measures, structure, decision making etc. is good but we have to mix it with a little feminine energy which is based on intuitions, empathy, collaboration etc.
Mike is focusing now on identifying, connecting, and promoting your fellow communication leaders.
According to Reshma, the fundamental difference between using AI to find the right individuals and search firms is in terms of what skills are you able to predict for the future and being able to identify the talent that fits into those skills.