“Success is not how much money I make, it’s about having fulfilling experiences”
Today on The Brand Called You, we have a very accomplished personality from the mental health industry. Dr. Sulkowicz is the Founder and Managing principal of Boswell Group. President of Elect of The American Psychoanalytic Association. He advises on leadership challenges, CEO succession, board dynamics and culture change. Dr. Sulkowicz is also a highly respected professional coach. Being a child whose parents were survivors of The Holocaust, Dr. Sulkowicz was sensitised towards human suffering. Dr. Sulkowicz considers his higher education as a major milestone of his life and is extremely grateful for the same. Mr. Garg and Dr. Sulkowicz engaged in a detailed conversation around mental health and the stigma that surrounds the subject. They discussed the challenges that the new generation faces, the symptoms of mental health issues, behaviour patterns, mental help preferences and the increasing necessity of addressing mental health issues. Dr. Sulkowicz believes that technology has led to reduced emotional connection that people used to make. Dr. Sulkowicz prefers to be addressed as an advisor instead of a coach. He explained the importance of coaching to professionals with businesses as well as anyone else who needs it. He also threw light on coaching relationships and his role as an advisor. He explained that his role as an advisor is to help his clients reflect. He serves as the sounding board on complicated aspects that his clients deal with and their roles as leaders of organisations.
Kerry Sulkowicz, Founder and Managing Principal, Boswell Group LLC

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