Category Archives: Ashutosh Garg

Prof TV Rao | Chairman, TVRLS and Former Professor, IIMA

Professor Rao is the Chairman of TVRLS and the former Professor of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.
He has been credited to have conceptualized and initiated the concept of human resources development.

Karnika E Yashwant – ‘Mr KEY’ | Founder, KEY Difference Media & Forward Protocol

Karnika, also known as Mr. Key is the founder of Key Difference Media and Forward Protocol.
He is an impact entrepreneur who has built and supported the next billion-dollar startups in the blockchain space.

Selena Bartlett | Group Leader, Addiction & Obesity, Institute of Health & Biomedical Innovation

Professor Bartlett is a Group Leader of Addiction and Obesity and a Translational Research Institute, The Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation.
She is a professor in clinical studies at the Queensland University of Technology.