Category Archives: Male

Dr Syed Muntasir Mamun, Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangladesh

Dr Syed Muntasir Mamun, Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangladesh

We are surrounded by technology. From getting up by an alarm to the last thing we do in the night before we sleep we are sharing a lot of information which is being recorded somewhere through these technologies.

Jody Grunden, Co Founder and CEO, Summit CPA

Jody Grunden Co Founder and CEO, Summit CPA

Accounting as a sector has changed dramatically over the past few decades. From traditional balance sheets and in-office work, the accounting function has shifted to more modern and tech-oriented procedures.

Ahal Besorai, Founder, Ahal Coaching, Philippines

Ahal Besorai, Founder, Ahal Coaching, Philippines Today, TBCY brings you a leading coach and  a very successful individual. We are pleased to welcome Ahal Besorai on the podcast. Ahal is the founder of Ahal Coaching and he works with top performers. He is a gifted coach and is very passionate about helping other people realise [...]