Category Archives: Male

Vincent Wei, Co-Founder, Archisen, Singapore based Agritech Co, focussed on Urban Farming

Urban farming has been around for decades. Now, it’s becoming more popular as people are realizing the need to reduce food miles and the environmental impact.

Cameron Fox, Founding Head, VERSO, An International School in Thailand

It’s not just schools that need improvement. There is a lot of focus on how to fix schools, but what about real life? The world is changing, and education.

Fred Werner, Head, Strategic Engagement at United Nations’ ITU

With our lives depending more and more on technology, AI has pushed the boundaries, simulating human reasoning in AI systems.

Vijay Gupta, Co-Founder, and CEO, Think Future Technologies Pvt Ltd

Starting a business requires a lot of effort and commitment. It’s important to know what’s involved and if you’re suited to business and self-employment.

Aniisu K Verghese, Global communication leader, Personal branding advocate, Speaker & Author

Branding is what people say about you when you are not in the room. It is not always about the companies we work for, it is also about our branding.

Debdeep Sengupta, President and CRO, Cloud4C

Cloud technology has become an indispensable part of our lives personally and professionally. It has become unimaginable to live without it.